Borjomi 22.05.2017

Borjomi is a cute, quite town famous by its mineral water. According to archaeological researches people knew about the medical usefulness of the local water in ancient time, but then the knowledge was lost and rediscovered again in Romanov's time. Which started a new life for a town.
One can easily take some water and drink it right on the street. Absolutely free. There are hot and cold springs. Quite often in the same place where it was opened 100+ years ago. I'll be honest: the water from the bottle seems to me much more tasty than out of tube on the street. Did I taste it from the wrong tube? (:
A lot of tourists come here unequipped (with no empty glass or bottle). So locals are happy to sell you something. So if you ever happen to go here, take an empty bottle. Even a small one.
Nearby there are old buildings which were used for bottling process. Nowadays it is reused for some exhibitions, but also there are huge old photos.
All those springs are located around Borjomka river. Around the river there are hills and one can easily climb using cable car. This man is a cable car operator. He told us a lot about his job to build the cable cars throughout the Soviet Union in the past days while we were waiting the departure time. He really misses the good old days.
It's funny, but after 5 minutes of small talk with Georgian guy it almost always turns out that the guy already was in Moscow and also in a dozen cities in Soviet Union, or will go there is a couple of days.
But the time is running and it's time to move closer to Armenian border. Our next stay is Akhaltsikhe town. It's just a usual town, but the castle in it really worth to visit.
The castle was built by Osmanians in XVI century, thus it looks quite unusual among Christian churches.
There is even a mosque inside and the Medrese.
The mosque is a bit strange. Nowadays it doesn't function as mosque, but I had a feeling that the basement was built for the church in the first places and was just reused for the mosque in the very last moment. A lot of things doesn't seem typical for it.
There are a lot of towers in the castle. And it's allowed to go on top and have a look on the surroundings from the height.
So, tomorrow will be Vardzia and the border.