Bremen 3 20.09.2012

Image for Bremen 3

It was a bit unplanned to visit Bremen, though due to circumstances I went exactly in this city. My parents friends live in this city. They moved to Germany about 12 years ago, and just 6 years later they already bought own house.

Photo 212
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 212
(cc) by Rushan

The house is so cosy, however it's not small. In the old days there lived two families and there were two parts: the first floor and the basement for one family and the second and the third floors for the other. Now it looks like a single place with the single entrance. The stairs are just a bit steep. Anyway you want feel uncomfortable there.

Photo 213
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 213
(cc) by Rushan

There is a kitchen and separate dining room. Well, it might be quite common here, though in Russia normally it is combined. So it’s cool to have it separated.

Photo 214
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 214
(cc) by Rushan

Hosts are extremely hospitable. And like to collect various stuff. The most complete collections are collection of elephants and collection of magnets from different cities (but no, not all magnets are brought themselves):

Photo 215
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 215
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 216
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 216
(cc) by Rushan

From the window you can see the beautiful garden:

Photo 217
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 217
(cc) by Rushan

The view from the garden is also very beautiful:

Photo 218
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 218
(cc) by Rushan

Even the air differs from Frankfurt. The sea is not far away. You can really feel it. Though even in Frankfurt the air is much better than in Moscow.

Photo 219
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 219
(cc) by Rushan



  • Alsu (21/09/2012 12:57)
    Чудесно! Ты останавливался у них?
    Сколько лет они собирали эту коллекцию магнитиков? :)
    • rush (21/09/2012 05:38)
      Ага, у них. Про магнитики, увы, не знаю, знаю, что слонов лет 5-6 собирают. (:
  • Yulia (27/09/2012 02:40)
    Уютненько. А дети у них есть?
    • rush (27/09/2012 03:58)
      Ага, двое. Один года на 1.5-2 постарше меня, а второй только-только в институт поступил.
      • Yulia (28/09/2012 12:03)
        а они вместе живут? или как обычно заграницей - после школы уже отдельно?
        • rush (28/09/2012 04:55)
          Старший женился в этом году и теперь живёт отдельно (до этого жил вместе со всеми). Младший пока вместе с родителями.