Barcelona: Boqueria 26.01.2017

The most famous market in Barcelona in Boqueria market. The first mention of it in history comes from 13 century, however official market status and separate building were obtained only in 19 century, before that it was considered as an extension of Plaça Nova market.
A long time ago the main good on market was meat. Nowadays one can find here good jamon. Or some fruits.
Though today the main direction is seafood. One can find here a lot of fish and other sea creatures. Some of them still alive and trying to move their moustaches (:
There are too many tourists on the market. However it also looks like the local children go here for excursions too. Otherwise I can't find any explanation for such a huge amount of children groups here.
In general I had an impression that prices here are a bit higher than average. So if you want to buy something, better do it outside. Especially fruits.
By the way, I absolutely don't understand the thing with bananas. Quite often I see that they sell almost black bananas. Is it considered here as the best condition of banana or what?
It's possible not just buy goods in this legendary market, but also eat something in local cafe. It looks a bit unusual and the first association I had is picture from "Spirited away" by Hayao Miyazaki (the second picture is from this movie)
One way to get on the market is metro, which reminded me Tokyo metro.
Tickets are sold by machines (though on some station machines are still backed up by human), almost same tourniquets and complicated metro schema. Though smaller city size and Latin names (which I can read unlike Japanese hieroglyphs) ease the life (:
In rush hour it's crowdy, but not too much. In other time it's more or less free.
A lot of stations has train in the middle which is really uncomfortable (especially if one accidentally misses the station). Though it's already built so one has to use it as it is.
Tunnels are also a bit unusual. A lot of tunnels (at least in the centre) are in graffiti. Even in the very middle between the stations. Either it's too easily accessible for strangers, either they have some special program for that. I didn't manage to take a picture from the inside, so here is the picture of not really beautiful part visible from the station.
Metro near Boqueria exits to walking street La Rambla (well, there are also cars, but somewhere on the side). Here tourist can eat, drink, buy souvenirs, though he also can be robbed if not careful enough. So better be aware.
Even outside high season there are a lot of people there. Also it's better to buy magnets somewhere else. Here it's at least twice expensive as in other places.
La Rambla is quite long street and ends near the sea. There in 1888 was build monument to Columb. It was built cause Catalan people believed that Columb was also Catalan and he returned from his journey to America exactly into Barcelona (which is not true) and even buried somewhere in Catalonia (however nobody knows where he really is buried).
Spanish people are really religious. I've never seen so many churches in any other place I've been. Well, they even have several channels with fortune-tellers, people call there, ask something. 21st century (:
As I started to write about the sea. It's definitely not the best time for swimming, but I couldn't skip the chance to at least walk on the seaside. The beach looks grey and moodily, but the port looks more or less fine.