Bratislava 18.08.2015

Bratislava is just 80km from Vienna. Though you can easily see the difference between these cities even at the entrance to the city. The level of life is a bit lower, though it’s not like it was shown in Eurotrip movie, though I saw a couple of moments which reminded me the movie (:
Some construction works may make you feel like recently there was a bombing attack. In one of the malls I had the feeling that workers simply left the building process somewhere in the middle and it was decided to use the building as it is. Just look at this contructions, which is not covered by good loking ceiling, floor without tiles and left tools left unattended. And the mall was opened more than 10 years ago.
It’s not that bad. The city is quite and beautiful in its own way. One of the most famous sight there is Bratislava astle. Unfortunately it didn’t surviv till our days in the original state. A number of wars and natural disasters made its jobs. The castle during almost a hundred years was completely ruined. Only in late 50s last century they started to repair it. Now there is a museum there.
The castle is located on the high hill right on the Dunai river. It’s beautiful on the top.
It’s quite humble inside especially comparing to Vienna castles. Still there is a special beauty in such simplicity.
Historical city locates not too far away from the castle.
There were quite a number of tourists. Which was a surprise for me, as I didn’t expect Bratislava to be a popular tourist direction. Well, it’s definitely not a Paris, though still a bit above my expectations.
There are many old buildings and narrow streets in the historic part of city. Here you ccan find a lot of various attractions. Like these figures:
Rock-painting Graffity is also quite common among Slavic brothers:
Probably you’ve heard about Blue mosque in Istanbul. So here is Blue Church in Bratislava. Though it’s not that giant and stately.
The language has some similarity with Russian, but not that close as Bulgarian. I can understand just a small part. Well, to be honest, almost nothing. Just some separate words like "privet" for salutation. Some words have absolutely different meaning. E.g. "pozor" means "attention", while in Russian it means "shame".