Universal studio hollywood 08.10.2013

The second most popular place around LA is Universal Studio Hollywood. It’s a film studio and theme park around the movies decorations. The most popular attraction is Disneyland, though it’s too overpriced, and the third one is Walk of stars.
It was extremely hot day. Around +31 degrees in October! Though looks like it’s normal for this area. They even invented some special cooling water spray, so you would be able to find a fresh freezing air (:
2 attractions impressed me the most: in one they showed filming tips and tricks from before digital era, and also showed modern special effects technologies. Though modern tricks are not that interesting: everything is on behalf of computer. In old times it was much more tricky. With blood, picture merging, etc. And the second attraction is virtual Russian rollers. So you take a sit in a roller as usual, though it doesn't really ago anywhere. It will just bend and you watch the picture on screen. It fully imitates all the impression like you're really going on it. Even the feeling from free fall. I really believed it. The road is also not real which allowed to make it more interesting, with unexpected break in it.
Also there was a tour in studio. They showed us blocks which were built for filming. Here they have a part of NYC, some Mexican village (it can be flooded and it works!). And earthquake in metro station, flood and fire in the same time. And they really show how it works. Our Moscow film studio show take this and make something similar (:
They make really nice advertising. They use everything, even buildings around (:
Even here I mentioned a lot of time how everything is equipped for disabled people. Separate parking place right next to the entrance (it’s everywhere this way). On the visitor map it’s marked where you can go in a chair, or where you should walk and stuff like that. Special ways are everywhere as well as people who’re ready to help. There is also amazing view on LA from here. Studio is located on a hill and the city is right in front of it.
Alsu (13/10/2013 08:34)
Как классно!
Юля (08/10/2013 04:15)
Дааа впечатляет, я бы не отказалась от таких экскурсий