Winchester house 11.10.2013

Around hundred years ago in California state lived world-wide famous weapon inventor Mr. Winchester. He died quite young and left a good fortune to his wife and a company which generated around 1000$ a day (back in that time that incredible amount). So the wife used this money for a house. It all happened in the beginning of last century (she died in 1923). Thus nowadays it might look not as fancy as it did (:
The house is also interesting by the fact that it was in permanent reconstruction. The widow was extremely afraid of ghosts of all the people who was killed from the weapon which was invented by her husband. Therefore she constantly build new rooms in the house. A lot of doors, windows and ladders go to nowhere (into the wall, or just from the second floor to the first without steps, or just to the street without balcony and proper exit (: )
There are too many unfinished rooms and elements in the house. It's not because lack of money, but first of all because lack of time, and also in San Jose (that's the place where the house is located) in 1900s was extremely strong earthquake. The house survived it, but some parts were damaged so strong, so it was decided to leave it as it is.
Nowadays it is forbidden to take pictures inside due to some strange agreements with rights owners. So I could take pictures only outside. Though several years ago it was other way around.
The house is really huge, but it was built without any plan. There is no central heating system, only a number of fireplaces. More than 40. And also more than 110 rooms! To serve it all there were 18 servants and a dozen of gardeners. They even built here a water pipes here, car washer and other cool features (remember, it was before 1920!). The workers here were welcome. The salary was around 3 bucks per day (+ meal) which was about twice higher than market could offer. But it was strictly forbidden to argue with the widow, especially about architecture decisions. She was in position to decide everything. Otherwise people were fired.
Руслан (24/10/2013 03:14)
а в чем фишка музея? просто дом? или там ружья и тп....rush (24/10/2013 03:37)
Ну ружья там тоже есть, но им особого внимания не уделяют. Сам по себе дом достаточно интересен. И то, как они решали всякие инженерные проблемы с орошением и благоустройством. По подвалам там тоже была экскурсия. (:
Alsu (13/10/2013 08:40)
Очень интересный дом!То есть в нем никто не живет еще с 1923 года?
rush (13/10/2013 10:14)
Ну почему же не живёт. Сотрудники уверяют, что призраки никуда не делись. И до сих пор временами что-нибудь могут учудить (:А люди - да. После смерти вдовы дом год простоял закрытым. А потом его выкупил частный инвестор и открыл там музей.