New York 25.09.2013

Finally we started to explore NYC. Impression is quite ambiguous. I don’t think I want to live in city like this.
Unfortunately I have to merge 3 days into a single post, otherwise I won’t be able to write new posts in a real time. So it will be a long post.
We started the exploration from lower Manhattan. Visited Statue of Liberty by ferry (the statue is located on a small island). There are tours inside the statue, but you have to book it really in advance. In the beginning of September it was possible to get the ticket only for November. So we just watched it from the outside.
Then we went back to Brooklyn bridge. That was the first bridge which connected Manhattan and Brooklyn. During the Great Depression a lot of people were walking the bridge to reach the office. Even nowadays there are a lot of people on it. Though mostly tourists and runners (:
Though if you go a bit away from the embankment the picture will be always the same: glass and concrete. There is almost no plants, on some streets you will not see eben the sun as it is always hidden behind the huge buildings.
There are separate districts formed by ethnical sign. I mean chinese in Chintown, italiens in little Italy, koreans in Korea town and so on. There is unique atmoshpere inside each district. Even big companies try to adapt to the local rules:
Igor advised to have a lunch in chinese restaurant Wo Hop, which to be honest looks more like a cantine. It’s located in a basement, it still doesn’t accept credit cards, just cash. Though the wall is in pictures of local celebrities who visit this place time to time. Sometimes you have to wait in a line to get inside. The secret is simple: they cook fast and good (:
Lower Manhattan looked a bit boring for me. Maybe cause it’s just a huge buildings from glass and stone.
Upper Manhattan slightly differs from it: living houses, shops, in addition Broadway theaters and business centers.
Americans extremely love flags and other national stuff. But flags are everywhere. Even in the middle of nowhere there will be a flag. So there is no need to say about big cities.
The only green oasis in the kingdom of glass and stone is Central Park. It’s huge. Inside there are a lot of animals, especially squirrels. Some people call them rats with tails (: There are so many squirrels here, that suburb habitants are allowed to shoot them in their own yards.
It was not that easy to get in Rockefeller Centre. There were a lot of people who also wanted to get inside and we had to wait about 1-1.5h to get inside. On the entrance you are get inspected. Very detailed. Metal detector, X-ray for bags. America changed a lot after 9/11. They became overly paranoid in security related topics, which didn't get more comfort in peoples life. Before there was no problem to get into the museum. Now you have to pass all that inspections first.
But the view from around 86 floor to the city makes unforgettable impression, especially in the evening:
I can’t miss the Time Square. It’s a win of advert over the common sense. Unfortunately the pictures can’t convey the real impression. In real live it looks absolutely different.
And I must mention the yellow taxi. It’s flooded the city. High parking prices help taxi drivers. 30$ per parking place is a normal price here. Monthly ticket might costs around 450$. Therefore it’s quite expensive to go with car to NYC. Though I can’t say you can really save a lot of money with trains. The train ticket from my friends house to NYC costs around 15$. Though it’s just 50 miles.
We also faced some unexpected things: during the walk we accidentally saw a blocked street with a lot of police officers and people with photo cameras. The police guy told us, that the street is blocked because of the President. I even took a picture of the cortege. I saw at least three dozens of cars. Unfortunately he didn’t stop to say "Hi!". Looks like he just didn’t recognize me (:
Юля (25/09/2013 11:00)
Ты как американец - в милях все меряешь)rush (26/09/2013 10:44)
Ну тут просто всё в милях. Проще переключиться на мили, чем постоянно в км пересчитывать.
А вообще 1 миля ~ 1.6 км.
Юля (25/09/2013 11:03)
Мне кажется большие города они немного похожи в том что жить в них одинаково сложно. Но манхетен впечатляет - каменные джунгли
Марат (25/09/2013 08:59)
Рушан, судя по всему погода не чета нашей, градусов 25 днем? Ты по больше фактов вываливай сколько что стоит: еда, электрички (хотя ты о них написал) ну вообщем для понимания, мало ли жизнь забросит. Вообще какой маршрут, о чем еще будешь писать?rush (26/09/2013 10:43)
Да, погода около 25 (вечером прохладнее - около 17-18). Но тут ветерок с океана дует, там что на набережной продувает малёк. А в целом очень тепло.НЙ находится на уровне Ташкента, так что климат тут соотвествующий.По поводу питания, тут всё по-разному. В вышеупомянутом китайском ресторанчике можно вполне сносно покушать на 10$ на человека (порции у них огронмые). Чай там бесплатно дают. Где-то можно найти и на 50-60$ на человека. У большинства кафешек/ресторанов перед входом висит меню с ценами, так что выбирать можно. Да и tripadvisor всегда поможет, если что.
Вообще по ценам у них всё сложно: в каждом штате свой НДС, поэтому везде цены указаны без налогов, которые прибавляются к цене уже в момент оплаты. Причём на разные вещи в разных штатах разные налоги. Так самые низкие налоги на одежду и алкоголь - в Нью-Джерси, самые высокие - в Калифорнии и Нью-Йорке.
По плану ещё Ниагара, Вегас с каньонами и Калифорния. (:
Юля (26/09/2013 04:51)
А в казино тоже пойдете? ) вообще слышала что казино там затухают. В последние два года поток людей значительно уменьшился.rush (27/09/2013 07:29)
Ну зайти то в казино мы зайдём. Иначе заселиться в гостиницу у нас не получится. Там при гостиницах есть казино, а рецепшн находится где-то в глубине зала. Так что как ни крути, а через казино пройти придётся, если не хочешь ночевать на улице (:Юля (27/09/2013 03:33)
я имела ввиду - играть, говорят новичкам везет))