Hey, New York 22.08.2019

I'm wondering how much more times I need to visit the city to stop writing the posts about it? (:
Well, I worked a lot during this visit, and didn't spend too much time out, that's just a short compilation from 2 weeks stay whenever I managed to find something interesting.
Got to Brooklyn. There's no that much skyscrapers already, buildings are much shorter. More trees. Even though it still feel like a stone jungle.
I went to Brooklyn because of BAM cinema. I really wanted some fun to go that far and see Tarantino's movie. I enjoyed it a lot.
Looks like due to summer warm days I saw a lot of police on horses. Even took a few photos. However it feels like horses would rather enjoy a walk somewhere in the green field.
Attended free event. It wasn't super cool, but it was rather interesting to see how it was happening. Surprisingly there were a lot of visitors. Sometimes it was a challenge to find some place to sit.
A bit of street food.
And a bit of lunch. It's not a pure street food already, a bit more expensive, but tasty and much healthier.
The sunset.
A bit more food. Found interesting place — Katz's Delicatessen. It doesn't look that healthy, but definitely worth to visit. It has some unique atmosphere. And it's very tasty. And a lot of meat. So much meat you just can't imagine.
The food is in Jewish style, but I'm not sure whether it is fully Kosher!
Ah, and a few films were shot here. Inside you can even find label with reference to "When Harry Met Sally...".
Water, night and lights are amazing combination. It always results into something interesting. I enjoyed to walk in the night. It is also very fresh which is good :)
It's much better to look at the traffic from the roof than spend your time in it (:
However I didn't manage to wake up early enough to watch the sunrise. I should plan something like that for a future trip.
I just can't help myself but post a couple more subway pictures. Even though I already did a big post about it.
There are so many more things to do there. I should manage somehow jazz event in Harlem. Or something like that.