Barranco del Infierno 30.01.2017

Tenerife is great as on such small island one can easily find a lot of different ways to relax: from beach and lazy sightseeing to active hiking and alpinism. One of the most popular and quite easy hiking track is located in southern part of island.
Barranco del Infierno. Hell's Gorge. It has this name as during summer time it's too hot here. Temperature may raise up to +40C and it will be extremely tough to hike. In winter time it's much more easier and the route looks like a simple walk with height difference not more than 200 meters.
From the beginning of route there is a beautiful view on Adeje town where the route starts.
After a while the town is left behind, but you already know that you have to come back the same way to the town.
Landscape also changes a bit.
Around the end point of the route there is a small brook. The trail goes along it.
In the very end there is a waterfall, the only drinking water source on the island. Right now it looks weak, but it's much stronger in the spring. In the old time in this area local people (Guanches) lived here.
Nowadays almost 90% if the water on island is taken from rain. The rest is got from desalting ocean water.
Well, though waterfall is just a middle of the trail. I also had to walk the same way back to the beginning.
Nearby there is a beach of Las Americas. After a long trail it's a nice time to get some fresh water.
Though it's not the best season for swimming. The air is really warm, up to +25 during the daytime, but the water is a bit cold, not more than +20 which feels a bit chilly. After a short time in water there is a desire to get out from there (: Anyway people go in water, however just for a bit.