Girona 22.01.2017

Winter is not hight tourist season for Spain, though there are good things as well: no huge tourist crowds, prices are a bit lower. The only thing I was out of luck is the weather. A bit colder than was expected and in the first day here it was rainy the whole day. Even on central train station the roof couldn't hold all the rain.
Girona is one of the most important cities in Catalonia, though not too big (around 100k people). The first thing I mentioned here: there is no even a single Spanish flag around, but a lot of Catalan flags (almost from every second window in the old city). Looks like these guys really want to separate from Spain (:
One of the most famous city symbols is houses on Onyar river. It's a bit grey in the real life (not like on pictures), though I was really surprised by how dirty and small is the river. I couldn't believe that it was Spain (:
But I really liked how streets and houses are marked here. It would be really complicated to get lost here. Sometimes I miss very detailed street signs in Moscow (:
Streets are quite here, not really crowded (heh, normal people do not explore the city in such a rain), but it's so picturesque.
In the old city there are way too many stoned roads. One can easily pass it by car, but woman on high heels would definitely have problems here. Though even by car it's not really convenient to go on road like this.
One of the most underestimated attraction is Girona Cathedral. It was build more than a thousand years ago, it was a mosque (not exactly that building though). It was constantly changing during several hundreds years so we can now see it in current shape. It's the second largest Cathedral by nave in the world (right after St. Peter Basilica). Looks very beautiful.
Also they have Great Wall of China city wall. The initial version was build in ancient Roman time, but it was under constant renovation and didn't survive till our days in the original shape. Anyway huge part of wall is still alive and open for visitors.
The wall is quite high and one can see there beautiful city: