Reading 29.02.2016

Even the city name is written is Reading you should read it as /’rɛdɪŋ/ (I was pretty sure it should be other way around). The name comes from Readingas (Anglo-Saxon tribe). It means Reada’s people from old English. That was in around IX century.
The city is not a famous tourist place, so probably there’s not much to see. Though as I’m here anyway..
Central part of city is full of pubs, restaurants and cafes. Some of the names definitely give you a hint about Russian owner. Who else will name pub "Pavlov’s dog"? :)
I also found some funny decorated places like "Purple turtle".
It’s strange that only part of bus stops in the city (and in the country) is installed "incorrect". By a back side to the road.
Well, it might be that it’s more convenient this way (no dust in the face, while you’re waiting for your bus). So I would have no questions to that, but only part of the stops is installed this way. The rest are installed "correct" like I have at home. That’s why I have question. Either the workers were drunk, either the engineers. It’s not clear.
English people also like bicycles. In some towns it's the main way to move. Therefore bicycle rental is popular here. In some places it's even free for the first 30 minutes. You just need to park in time.
I didn't dig into details though. I mean if it is only 30 minutes per day is free or it is possible to ride 30 minutes, then park and then ride again for free. Anyway you should make your route near parking places. Fortunately they have a map right on the parking place where one can take a bicycle.
The city is not that small, especially for Europe. Though comparing to London with about 9 million population, it is not that big. Anyway you can find here quite a number of churches.
In the city centre there is a walking street with shops and some attractions.
The city is quite wide. It's not centred in one small area. It would take at least an hour to walk from one border to another one. Taking in account the weather which is often not good enough for a walk (drizzle, stuff like that, sometimes one can see all four seasons in a day), it's better to take a bus or a taxi.
The thing I couldn't understand was prices for a public transport. One way adult ticket for a bus costs 1.60 pounds. The group ticket for a round trip up to 5 persons costs 3.5 pounds. How is that? :)