Salzburg 27.08.2015

In Salzburg lives just 150 thousands people, though it’s the fourth biggest city in the entire country. Quite popular among tourists. The old city centre is listed as UNESCO world heritage sight.
Though I started to explore the city from Hellbrunn palace which was built by Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg.
In this palace they have something like mini Petergof: there are fountains (some are with surprises). E.g. when guests are sited around the table on special signal all of them (except the host) are under the flow of water. However according to etiquette rules it’s not allowed to leave the place while the host is sited. So all guests remained sited. Though I’m not sure if it’s allowed to water your guests like this in etiquette rules (:
It was a bit hot, therefore cold grottos saved from the heat.
Here is a tradition to make a wish at the exit near Triton. I wonder how many of them comes true then?
Salzburg looks like really typical European small city with calm leisurely lifestyle. Nobody hurries like in huge cities, everybody is calm and quiet.
They even host free events here. Such thing is quite popular in Europe.
For Austria it is a must. By the way Mozart was born in Salzburg and he spent his childhood there. Though it turns out that his family was not that ordinary. His father taught the son since the very young age.
There are a lot of tourists in historical part of city. Street artists use that to sell their pictures. Though without quite a success. At least I didn’t see a single deal there, though they were walking through all the city (:
There are too many Arab in Austria right now. It really catches your eye. Especially if they beg you for money.
There are trolleys in this city! It’s quite rare type of transport in cities, therefore it’s amazing for me.
The Salzach river goes through the city. Looks beautiful.
In the city centre there is St Peter’s Abbey. Looks beautiful. Right behind it there is a cemetery where various abbots are buried.
A bit upper you can find one of the biggest fortress in Europe — Hohensalzburg Castle.
The fort is located quite high, therefore they needed some kind of Funicular. So they built it around year 1500. The first funicular in the world. Reisszug. Though nowadays you can have a ride on a private funicular, which was build just in 1892.
It is amazing view from the top.
In the weekend government makes people to read something like this mobile library. For lazy ones you can listen how the actor reads book for you (:
They also put here a monument in honer of W. Mozart. It was his birthplace in the end.