Frankfurt sightseeing 30.08.2012

There is no strict city border (like Moscow Ring Road, though it’s not true for Moscow anymore due to recent border enchancement). Streets are clean and I was surprised that I met a lot of tourists. Even some Russians.
Though most of the buildings are modern. Just a few blocks are from the old times (I wasn’t there yet). One of old building is Alter Oper (was built more than a century ago, but was damaged during WWII and restored only in 1980s).
There are many hight scrapers in the cite centre:
One of the popular tourist sight is Main Tower.
5 euro and you are on top of this building. 200+ meters high =)
Then there is train station and Deutsche Bank twin towers. It looks much more interesting from top
Despite popular opinion that people in Europe go sleep at 8 in the evening, it's quite crowdy till about 11. A lot of cyclists, runners. Europe is being healthy :)
A couple of photos of central walking street Zeil at about 11 in the evening. It's something like Moscow Arbat, but a bit more crowdy. Though it also depends on the day; The day before yesterday it was so full, I barely could pass it. Yesterday it was just like on a photo:
There are too many wild animals inside the city. In the park right next to Deutsche Bank twin towers I met rabbits family (not just one lost rabbit, but the whole family, who lives there):
The view from the river is very picturesque in the night time:
Marat (04/09/2012 03:03)
Много не пей, плохих компаний сторонись
Рус (06/09/2012 02:14)
Деревьев много вроде. Зеленый город?
Как там с кислородом в черте города?rush (06/09/2012 03:16)
Деревьев очень много. Воздух достаточно чистый, не деревенский, конечно, но жить можно =)
Рус (06/09/2012 02:15)
Фотка там где ты смахивает на фотошоп :) может ты ге нить сидишь в Калуге на обучении и обзорчики пишешь?:)
А фотки из гуглаrush (06/09/2012 03:27)
Вот, блин, спалился =)
Только Калуга - это очень круто. Туда только после трёх лет стажа отправляют. :)
Marat (06/09/2012 03:48)
Неужели Оренбург так преобразился?
Yulia (01/09/2012 02:24)
слушай а с высотки, прямо видно что город-то не большой...