Flying mountains 05.05.2018

Zhangjiajie National Park became extra famous after Avatar movie. Local landscape inspired Cameron and his team to create huge mountains in the movie.
The park is huge. You would need at least two days to hike around in comfortable tempo.
There are trails for every visitor. From simple trails... steep high stairs.
Though if you have issues with a hard way (or you're just lazy enough for it), there are lifts, cable cars and buses for you.
Even a monorail.
The buses are free, however there is no way to go up with a bus. Lines are lying either on upper lever, either on the lower one. Machines to go up would cost a bit more than a penny: 8 to 15 euro one way (doesn't matter up or down).
All information tableau are in pure Chinese or translated poorly. Cash windows workers also do not speak English.
The height difference between level is more than 700 meters. That's why I decided to walk up :)
The view from the top is tremendous. Once you're there, you don't want to leave this place.
There are dozens monkeys on the way.
Though be careful: once you relax a bit and voilĂ , a monkey stole something from you. I've seen a lot of them trying to open something they took from tourists.
Though Chinese are also kind of aggressive to animals: people really desperate to film a funny video with a monkey. That's why they find normal to frighten and tease a monkey, so they would have a chance to film something interesting. That's simply disgusting.
The area around a temple is flooded with red stripes.
Chinese also really love to make pictures in national clothes.
I want to highlight absolutely amazing organization level in the park. Trash cans are everywhere (even two of them: for normal waste and recyclable one), excellent routes and trails in a good condition. Simple awesome!
The only thing which is missing is a well designed map with all the routes and timing. And a bit more English signs in the park.
If you want to go in hardly-accessible places and have no desire to climb there on your own, there is a solution: hire a special guy who will carry you there. However that's an expensive service: starts from 60 euro per person.
The only thing Chinese can't control in the park is weather. If you're not lucky with it, well. You're not lucky :)
My second day was foggy and rainy. Sometimes I could see almost nothing.
Though sometimes clouds disappeared and the view was beautiful. However I had to be fast to take a picture: a minute and the view could be gone under yet another cloud.
On the park entrance I bought a great tool: a packet for my shoes. It's very convenient. I just put my leg with a shoe inside it and that's it. Dry from the inside like in sunny weather. I wonder I don't have such thing available at home.
It's really funny to see Chinese in clothes with English phrases. It's obvious that they don't know English at all, that's why I could ses a lot of signs like on the photo. So you can only guess if this girl is "limited" or "vomited" :)
I saw mistakes like this one a lot. Even on shop signs and official documents.
PS. In the end of the first day I had a chance to reach a well hidden view point. This one was absolutely amazing. I will just leave a couple of photos here.
It was very tricky to get there. Narrow trails, steep stairs. Though it was the best viewpoint during the day.