Pula 21.08.2015

It’s a small town on the north of Croatia. It attracts a lot of tourists by Adriatic seaside and its historic sights. The town was founded by ancient Greeks and its heyday was during Roman Empire. There are some arenas and temples left since that time.
Even only 60 thousand people live there, it's the biggest town in the region. The fact that it was under Italian government during Roman Empire time and later under Venetians control influenced a lot on local architecture. Sometimes you have a feeling you are in Italy and not in Croatia. A lot of Italian tourists strengthen this feeling. Though there are a lot of Germans as well.
Fazana looks something like in Italien style (even though I’ve never been in Italy yet). It’s just seevral kilometers from Pula. There is a pier for ferry to national park Briuni.
National park Briuni is located on the small islands near Fazana city. There is a ferry which goes between it every hous in day time. This is the only way to get to the islands.
In the park it’s possible to rent a golf car (they even have a golf field (: ), bicycle. Or you can walk for free there. They also have a bus, but it’s not that ineresting.
There are too many animals in the park. Deers, phesants, peacocks and others. Though deers are not so brave as in Nara. They prefer to avoid people. I believe they do it right.
The ancient Romans used the island as place for elite. There was a village with all the infrastructure. Nowdays there just a ruines. And brand new hotels.
About two thousand years ago the water level was much lower, therefore part of ancient building is hidden by water. Though even the buildings left visible are amazing. Also the nature is very beautiful. This time we were even lucky with weather. Just about half an hour of rain and here comes the sun (: