Happy colleagues 13.09.2012

Image for Happy colleagues

Friends often ask me how my colleagues live here? Are their faces happy?
Well, it’s a complicated question. Everybody has its own view on happiness. Therefore I simply put some photos of my colleagues here, so help yourself to figure out if faces are happy or not =)

Photo 175
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 175
(cc) by Rushan

well, to be honest I do not work as a developer in a bank. I work as nuclear physicist and here is a rare photos from field experiments. previous post about the office was a fake
Really it was a party before our Philippine colleague will go home after 3 months business trip in here. Therefore our bosses took us to a team building on carting. That's a funny place. It's not interesting just to drive a cart. Therefore they ask you to put this protection clothes and water the road. As a result you can drift on the turns (sometimes it can twist you there) and it's a bit dirty especially if you're following the other guy pretty close.
Meanwhile in the Philippines the rain season came to its end (there were a while when our colleagues couldn't get the access to office because of it), so no it's fine to go back (:

Photo 176
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 176
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 177
(cc) by Rushan
Photo 177
(cc) by Rushan



  • Yulia (16/09/2012 11:27)
    Как покатался? Ты им показал какая у нас езда на дорогах? )
    • rush (18/09/2012 03:09)
      Покатался отлично. Меня правда пару раз закрутило на этих скользких поворотах, потому что слишком поздно давил на газ, чтобы выйти из заноса, но ближе к концу освоился и всё стало отлично )