Darmstadt 30.06.2018

Darmstadt is a cute town close to Frankfurt-am-Main.
Every year the town holds Heinerfest festival. I was lucky to visit the city exactly during the hot season.
Though I didn't stay till the evening, and it was a bit empty during the day. Looks like people still were sleeping.
The wedding tower. The ceremony is held upstairs. Visit is allowed only for event participants. I coudn't visit it as a tourist.
However it was allowed to look at mosaic at first floor. It's a famous work of Darmstadt Artists' Colony which exists there in the beginning of 20 century.
Two wifes of Russian Emperors were from Darmstadt. That's why here is a beautiful Russian Orthodox Church.
Quiet street. By the way, apartment cost in this town is much higher than the average in this region. Even though public transport connectivity didn't seem comfortable enough to me. Mostly buses which are not frequent enough.
Friedensreich Hundertwasser house without a single corner. I already saw his building in Vienna.
I was told that the house was built for lower-income people of Darmstadt.
Royal garden. Cabbages, onion. What else is needed for Royal table? (:
33-metre column to Ludwig I.