Lichtenstein 25.08.2015

Lichtenstein is one of the smallest countries in Europe. There lives just 35000 people. It's funny, but about 30% of population are foreigners.
In the small countries cities are also small. To be honest it looks more like a village, not a city (:
Amount of russian speaking tourists here really surprised me. I had an impression, that I am in Moscow. Everybody around just speaks in Russian. There were some european guys around, though not that much. Overall tourists flow is even smaller than in Bratislava.
The reigning Prince of Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II lives in Vaduz castle. Therefore you have only a chance to look at the castle from the outside. Well, there is an exception during 15 of August (it's a national day in Liechtenstein) and you have a chance to visit internal parts. Unfortunately I didn't manage to guess the right day to visit. May be next time (:
In other days you can only enjoy the castle model next to bus station.
For lazy tourists they have bus tours. It takes just 35 minutes to ride the whole city. I don’t like such stuff. It’s much more interesting to walk.
There are interesting monuments on the walking street in the city center. Unfortunately it does not look that the city has a plenty of places to do some sightseeing, therefore tourists carefully look at the monument. Though there is also a free post stamps museum nearby.
Near Vaduz you can find interesting Gutenberg castle. Unlike Vaduz castle it doesn't act as a castle anymore. So you can easily get into internal yard. Though the castle itself was closed anyway. Still it's beautiful here.
On the way to castle there is a vineyard. They grow here black grape and the green as well. The black grape is covered by the net to protect it from birds. Between the bushes you can see the bottles to collect flies and wasps.
The castle is located on the hill. You can enjoy the amazing view from the top.
The castle was build about 900 years ago. Though it still looks amazing.