Vienna 16.08.2015

Vienna is very interesting city. From architecture to food and musical world heritage. My exploration started in Schönbrunn Palace. That imperial summer residence is one of the most beautiful in Europe. Architects took some ideas from Palace of Versailles, but looks like they really improved a lot of things. I can’t confirm that as I still didn’t visit it.
There are 1441 rooms in palace. Unbelievable. To be honest, I’ve no idea why they need all these rooms. Anyway only 40 rooms are available for visit. One needs at least one hour to walk through all of them. Some rooms which are no available for visit are rented by some private firms.
Visitors are asked to not take pictures inside the palace. Thus I have some only from outside.
There are huge gardens in this palace. It really wonders me how much time they spend to keep it in such a nice shape.
Glorietta from the upper part of ensemble looks quite attractive.
If you can climb on the up level of the construction, you will be able to the Schönbrunn Palace and the city behind it.
There is a labyrinth grown from bushes which was used for royal fun. Once you entered it would be tricky to find the exit
In the centre there is a viewpoint, from where you can see the labyrinth from the top. So you can see the whole picture, though it’s not that easy to find the entrance there.
In the last days it was extremely hot. Locals told us that temperature sometimes breached +40. It's really tough to be in the city in such a weather. Fortunately there were a lot of free water points for everybody. Really it helps a lot, as human needs really a lot of water in such an extreme hot.
Another good observation point is Danube Tower. A huge park nearby was really crowded by some Chinese, Arab and other foreign locals. In Vienna from 1.8 million inhabitants only 61% are Austrians. Before first World War there were 2 million inhabitants in the city and amount of foreign locals was much lower. Doesn’t look like demographic situation is good enough here.
From viewing platform at Danube Tower one can not just look around from bird view, but also jump down. Just for 150 euro (:
It would be bungeejump from about 150 meters. I bet it really scares you to stay the step before jump there.
Another quite attractive point of interest is a Ferris wheel. It was the biggest wheel in the world till 1985. Then Japanese took the first place with Technocosmos in Tsukuba. At the moment the world biggest wheel is High Roller in Las Vegas, USA. 137 meters in diameter. Should be quite vertigo. Especially if you are have some fear of heights..
Beside amazing castles there are other interesting buildings in Vienna. For example Hundertwasserhaus. It looks strange from the first sight. Architect tried to connect his own vision, nature and the building itself. Looks interesting. There is always a group of tourists who wants to see it (: