Heidelberg 14.09.2012

There are so many amazing places in the area near Frankfurt am Main city. One my colleague lives in Heidelberg. He strongly advised me to visit it. This city has a long history and is located just in 90km from Frankfurt. It’s also famous in scientific circles because of its University.

Unfortunately I arrived there already in the late evening after a long day in the office. I would spend the whole day in here, unfortunately there is no time to be lost.
The city itself is around 150 thousands citizens though the history goes back into XV century, when the city was just founded and there were about 6 thousands. The city centre is not really attractive. Just a train station, some skyscrapers and shops.
However once you walk away from the city centre you will find amazing streets. You can’t simply walk away from that beauty.
Though some of them look quite usual =)
There are always some attractions in city centre. They have almost in every even small city a walking street with shops and all the stuff. It’s nice.
There are too many churches in the city. They looks pretty minimalistic, still they perfectly fit the environment.
The river and the bridge in front of ancient castle create truly unique picturesque view.
Unfortunately the dark shadowed too fast. Therefore most of photos are quite dark. Better then nothing though. Three Saturdays per year (the first Sat in June, second in July and the first in September) they make here fireworks. I even was in Frankfurt during the last one, though due to lack of knowledge about the event I missed it. But you still can enjoy photos from the Internet:

Just a bit of photos:
Yulia (16/09/2012 11:24)
Первые две фотки как открытки.Смотрю, паркуются они прямо вплотную друг к другу, как они так делают?!
А по какому поводу салюты?
rush (18/09/2012 03:06)
Ну друг за дружкой встают, и всё. Делов то =)А вот как они выезжают, если кому-то посереднике надо срочно уехать - я не знаю.
А салюты просто потому что красиво. Зачем обязательно повод?
Говорят, на эти салюты любят съезжаться окрестные жители. Немцы вообще любят что-нибудь попраздновать. Они даже на открытие какой-нибудь автобусной остановки делают свою местечковую мини-гулянку, уркашают улицу, устраивают какие-то представления, кормят людей, рядом тут же организуют всякие туалеты, всё для людей.